Topo Nomad
Geospatial Viewer App


Download and install from over a quarter million U.S. Geological Survey maps for GPS use offline and without need for cellular service.

Import geospatial PDF maps from other sources via email, the web, and iTunes. The National Park Service offers such maps as do many state and local park sites for free.


Topo Nomad displays US Geological Survey topographic maps of the USA on iPhone devices for offline GPS use. It concurrently downloads maps in the background why you use it. Easily locate destinations and install the desired quadrangles. Automatically installs the map for your current location. Vacations and road trips around North America makes this app truly priceless.

User Manual

Note: The Topo Reader app is now the Topo Nomad app (Sep 18 '18).


Topo Nomad ©2014-2021 Delcartes LLC all rights reserved.